Welcome to Roblets. My name is Rob Luscombe and this is my blog.
If you are not sure what a “blog” is (as some of my friends have asked), here is the Google description,:
A blog (short for “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website run by an individual, group, or corporation that offers regularly updated content (blog post) about a topic. It presents information in reverse chronological order and it’s written in an informal or conversational style
The intention for my blog is not to expound on one topic but to talk about lots of different topics.
I have been playing with the idea of starting a blog ever since I found out what a “blog” is. People ask me “What have you got to blog about?” and I just see it as a way to put some of my writing (short stories) out there, talk about things that interest me and share my thoughts on just about anything that I think people may be interested in reading. I also see my blog as a place that friends (and/or perfect strangers) can check into in the mornings and spend a few minutes relaxing at the start of the day or maybe somewhere to visit when they get a quiet moment after supper.
Most of my short stories are based on personal experiences while some are the result of a creative writing course that I enrolled in this past spring which I really enjoyed and found profoundly helpful in my quest to start writing. My hope is to someday write a novel…all in good time.